Unique shapes for every menu


We have the expertise to transform your ideas, logos, or shapes into remarkable creations.
Your vision is our inspiration!

If you’re searching for something unique and can’t seem to find it, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re always open to expanding our collection through collaboration.


Custom culinary molding

I’m Egbert Meseure, and my journey in the culinary world has been quite a ride. I spent three years in top restaurants in London and another three in Copenhagen, working as a chef and bartender in one of the best places around.

I kicked off my kitchen adventure pretty early, starting to cook professionally at just 15 after going through culinary school. What drives me in the kitchen is a love for creativity and innovation.

Beyond the cooking scene, I’ve got a thing for coffee and enjoy making basic ingredients from scratch. Think homemade paprika powder, my own chocolate creations made from coffee, and a bit of fermentation fun.

Join me in this culinary journey where every flavor has a story to tell.

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Haut - Ostend
Vandenbouhede - Ghent
Amaranth - Merelbeke
NG Dining


We have the expertise to transform your ideas, logos, or shapes into remarkable creations. Your vision is our inspiration!
If you’re searching for something unique and can’t seem to find it, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re always open to expanding our collection through collaboration, and we won’t charge any extra fees for your special request.

Egbert Meseure


I’m Egbert Meseure, a passionate food enthusiast with 6 years of international experience. I love exploring the culinary world and infusing creativity into everything I do, whether it’s experimenting with new recipes, exploring local markets, or designing unique food concepts. My mission is to make food enjoyable and accessible to all, inspiring others to find their kitchen creativity. If you seek a passionate, creative, and fearless collaborator, let’s create something unforgettable together.